Monday, November 21, 2011

Boxer with hair loss?

i have a almost 1yr old female boxer and she has some kind of skin problem she has these blue colored hair loss patchs with little bumps in them and she itcys all the time we took her to the vet and they said that there is some type of mold in the house that is makeing her do that but we have moved to a new house and she is still doing it i have went to the petstore and tryed all kinds of sampoo on her she is utd on shots and she is on frontline does anybody know what this could be i,am taking her back to the vet next week to get a skin test but i would like to know before hand if anybody has had a dog that has done this before thanks

Boxer with hair loss?
she could have ticks or mites or a parasite.Take her to the vet and get a skin scrape. I am talking about demodex mite which attack the ears and become very itchy, and make the anemic.I suggest that the vet takes a blood sample and check that she is not anemic.
Reply:Boxers can be known to have skin disorders. I'd join a boxer group of people and see what they think, or switch vets.
Reply:A friend of mine has a Boxer with this same ailment. He tells me that it a skin rash/allergy. He uses special food and shampoo's as well as a medication from the vet.

He also says not to leave your Boxer out in the sun for too long, as it to get worse.
Reply:I have a female 3 year old boxer- same problem. I have gone through thousands. She is allergic to freaking dust mites; which are everywhere in las vegas. We put in wood floors and bought air purifiers and she is on prednosone occasionally to control her itchyness. We tried allergy injections for a year with no luck. Your best bet is to find out what she is allergic to (ask ur vet to do a blood test) then go from there; it might just be her food.

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