Monday, November 21, 2011

Please help, i need your answer?

ok, i have a dog that usually sleep in my room, and recently i found a few flea/tick in my room, i felt so unhygeinic but whenever i ask my dog to sleep outside my room, he will keep crying then i'll let him in again. So, i just wonder if the tick/flea will cause any harm to us (human) ? Will it actually fly on our hair and replroduce? or go into our nose/ears? or cuase any skin problem?

(i reli appericiate evesy single answer you gave,thx)

Please help, i need your answer?
There is a huge difference between a flea and a tick. Fleas are small and black and jump, they have 6 legs, they bite and itch but dont cause much other damage.

Ticks, suck blood by latching on and are rounded with 8 legs. There are several types of ticks, the most dangerous is the paralysis tick, it can cause paralysis and death in dogs and small children.

I suggest getting a spot on that treats fleas and ticks for your dog, and flea bomb your room and the house to kill any environmental fleas.

Dont stress, fleas happen.
Reply:Fleas and ticks will bite humans. They carry diseases. Please bomb your room with a flea %26amp; tick product and put Advantix or some similar product on the dog. Poor thing. You don't seem concerned that he is being eaten alive by these parasites.
Reply:The solution is to treat your dog's fleas, not avoid them. He/she will need a good flea bath or two and you'll want to wash the sheets and use some flea powder on the carpet. If you don't want to sleep with fleas, why should your dog?

The shampoo and powder are available for a nominal cost at any chain grocery store.
Reply:vacuum vacuum and then vacuum some more!! Vacuum 2xs a day until fleas are gone! Bath dog and wash all sheets until fleas are gone. Fleas will bight humans and can cause disease and infection.

But...fleas happen....just deal with it!! :(

good luck!
Reply:don't you put advantage or something like that for flea and ticks on your dog? As far as I know you may get some flea bites and ticks can cause lime disease. Keep checking for ticks and bomb your room and start using flea %26amp; tick stuff on your dog you should anyway do you want them to get sick or be uncomfortable
Reply:Its not common for fleas to pass diseases to humans in current years, although the deadly bubonic plague which ravaged and killed millions in Europe and Asia way back when was actually passed via the rat flea. There have been cases of humans contracting tapeworms from fleas, but that is usually from ingestion, not from getting bitten. Usually fleas will just cause itchy little red bite marks in humans, almost like a mosquito bite. I wouldnt worry about them going in your nose/ear very much, but while youre sleeping anything is possible, although not very likely. You may even ingest one while sleeping, but again is rather improbable. And I've never really heard of fleas using human hair to reproduce... They arent lice, and each type of flea usually has a preferred host, although most will host dogs and cats. I would get the dog a good flea medication/collar, and give him a bath with a flea killing shampoo. Then thoroughly clean your sheets/mattress/carpet, etc. If it gets bad, you may have to call in an exterminator. Hope this helps.
Reply:Fleas and ticks are parasites which will feed off of you also. If you haven't noticed how uncomfortable your dog is by being infested with these parasites you will soon have a personal experience with it also! You must give your dog a regular treatment and also your carpets and bedding, couches etc. Once fleas and ticks are established in a warm environment they can be hard to get rid of. It doesn't matter what room your dog sleeps in because you will carry the flea yourself, they will hitch a ride with you into any area of your house. You must treat your dog and the entire house for fleas to get rid of them.
Reply:Fleas and ticks are different:

Fleas are small and bounce. these CAN bite you but are easily killed! You can buy spays to clean your house and vets shampoos to get them off your dog.

Ticks are sort of round and black when small, but become brown when big (this is because it is filled with your dog blood!). These can't harm humans but can cause SERIOUS problems for your dog. If you find one on you dog, put some vaseline and/or alcohol on it, leave for a while and pull out with tweezers. The head must come out (this causes problems) so if you dont feel able to pull it out properly get the vet to do it, or if you do and the head is left in, take him to the vets immediately.

Both of these are easily prevented with frontline put on the base of the neck and tail or a flea collar or vet recommendations.

Don't worry about not knowing, now you do you can sort the problem and prevent it happening again!

Good luck!
Reply:ok 1 theres a big difference in a flea and a tick. the tick will ge on you, attach itself to you and suck your blood but extremely eaasy to remove all you have to do is pull it off and kill it. fleas are more irritable than anything other than that they wont hurt you but you probably should try getting some flea and tick shampoo and bath your dog proably once a week or so thats what i do with mine if your dog has ticks they are most likly already attached to your dog so you should probably look for them and ppull them off when you see them (do this outside so you can squish them)

but the flea and tick shampoo should help

hope this helps :] wan pi liao oh~.....

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