Friday, August 20, 2010

Dog experts! please help my dog who does not have fleas stop scratching!?

My dog is 3 years old. For about 2 years she has had a serious scratching problem. I have taken her to the vet countless times. They keep giving me pills called pregnizone(not spelled correctly) I was told that its bad to keep her on the pills forever, but the vet keeps giving them to me. They help a little, but she is scratching so bad that her skin around the eyes is bleeding. I tried changing her food, using medicated shampoo, pills. I don't know what else to do. I can't afford to keep going to the vet when they really don't help much. Please help me!

Dog experts! please help my dog who does not have fleas stop scratching!?
It sounds like allergies.

You need to give your dog a holistic food such as Solid Gold Holistic Blendz, Wellness, Innova or Canidae. Benedryl will help with the itching and as it was already suggested triple anti-biotic ointment on the open wounds. Omega 3 and Biotin are good for the coat. I buy an allergy kit from DrsFoster and Smith which really helps. Here is a link for their website:

These things would take about six weeks before you see improvement but doing it is worth the end results. I have the same problem with my shepherd and as long as I keep certain foods away from him, including treats (corn, soy, wheat,eggs, and beef these are the biggest food allergy triggers in dogs ) and start him on the allergy supplements in March he keeps a healthy coat. I know how you feel I spent a year going back to the vet over and over before I found the right course of action.
Reply:Try adding olive oil or fish oil or Vitamin E to her food. It takes approxiamately 6 weeks to notice any improvement. Also, you might wanna switch dog foods and check for ingredients and try to get one with a different meat ingredient for example if you're feeding food with lamb in it try food with chicken in it.
Reply:Put her on a dehadrated dog food and bathe her once a week it works wonders
Reply:Washing your dog just dries her skin out more. Try putting a little olive oil in her food, it will add moisture to her skin.
Reply:You say you have changed her food but what have you changed it to???

You may be changing the food from one that she is allergic to to another she is allergic to.

Also I think you need to look for another vet. What the vet has been giving you is a steroid and your right it is not good to keep her on that.

Look into Natures Way foods or Canidea food for your girl. They are very good food for dogs prone to allergies. Go to each web site and read their ingredient and decide for your self.

Also there is a shampoo you can get at the vets call Epi- sooth that calms down the skin prone to allergies.

i have a dog also.

well do you dog have fleas? for sure?

then get a flea control is called REVOLUTION is only at the vet office and is good for fleas and dewarm the dog.

iif is not flea he is maybe allergic to something it could be the food or something at home, some dogs have reaction to perfumes , dust , polyester,cleansers etc, take him to the vet is the best advice.and please keep up app with the vet

pets are big responsibilities just like kids they have feelings too

unfortunaly they dont talk, PREDNISOME IS STEROID

it just make the dog very fat and no help.

get ultra allergen dog food and him check for skin alllergies

and CHANGE VET.good luck
Reply:If your poor dog has a case of mange you might want to rub used motor oil on his skin. this is a old time remedy,but I'm an old timer.
Reply:I so hate it when the vets put the on that pregnazone crap. yes she has an allergy to what we dont' know. the key is to find out. changeing her food should work but there could be an ingredient in mos the foods. benydryle will help with some of the itching. put triple antibotic ointment on anything bleeding to sooth it. are you giving enough time when switching the foods to get the old one out of her body? and add some vegitable oil in her food. poor baby. I am thinking as fast as I can. shampoo as little as possible with quality shampoo. We really need to find that allergy. I guess I don't know what else to tell you.
Reply:I would have changed vets a year and a half ago. Your dog has some sort of skin allergies and possibly staff infection. you need to get to a better vet who will care about your dog. It is a simple situation. Prednisone is not good for your dog, a cortisone shot once in a while is ok but not a permanent remedy. My dog has allergies and I have to give her antihistimines for her skin allergies, she also gets a spoonful of oil on her food to help her skin, Please change vets and good luck your dog sounds very sad.
Reply:I would try a good hypoallergenic dog food such as Natural Balance Sweet Potato and Fish formula. This helped my brother's itchy dog when nothing else worked.
Reply:some times is allergic and some time they play
Reply:Prednisone is a steroid and they're right that it's not good for her to be on it for too long. It actually suppresses her immune system. Your dog probably just has dry skin and allergies. My lab does, too. We started adding capful of oil to his food every day and it's working WONDERFULLY!!
Reply:Your dog needs allergy testing. It's not cheap, but it will probably get you answers. If your vet doesn't do allergy testing, take her to one that does.

Dogs can be allergies to common ingredients in dog food, to just about anything else.
Reply:Many dogs are actually allergic to grass, try keeping her in a area on indoor outdoor carpet or deck and keep her potty area in the dirt, go for walks on the sidewalk. See if this causes improvement, if so then tell the Vet and get shots for her or allergy med that covers "grass". Prednisone steroid is to control the inflammation but if she continues to be exposed to the allergen it's of no value, you need to find the culprit! Also only seek to detect one allergy causing thing at a time or you won't know which it is when you remove a cause. After the grass restriction, if it isn't the problem (you will know after 2wks) then go to a dog food with no corn, or soy product many dogs are allergic to those ingredients. Also she or he may be allergic to flea "bite" itself, this can cause terrible skin reaction, do the flea dip then really condition good rinse well and put on a good grade flea collar. Hope she/he and You! get some relief. Good luck!
Reply:If it is an allergy, you might try giving her Benedryl. It's an antihistamine that helps to take the itch away, or at least calm it down.

If it is a dryness then there are a number of food supplements that you can try. Remember any supplements that you try can take up to a month to have the desired effect. There are various oils, prepared in squeeze tubes that you just add to your dogs current food that helps to raise the oil levels and lubricate the skin. There is also, my favorite, and I have seen it work in as little as three days. Tripe. It's packaged in a small tin, available at pet stores and you add one to two tablespoons to your dogs food everyday.

Don't give her a lot of baths because that can help to increase the dryness but do brush her vigorously every day, even two or three times a day if you can. Just be careful when you're working around the eyes.

Hope this helps, I hate to see any dog in discomfort.
Reply:If the prednisone isn't helping, and the vet isn't offering you alternatives, you'll have to try something else. Have you tried foods without corn and wheat?

You should avoid bathing her as much as possible.

Try applecider vinegar in her drinking water. (couple of teaspoons ) Use the Bragg's applecider vinegar, it's the best.

Also make up a very weak solution and get a damp cloth and wipe her down with the vinegar.

It'll take a while, but it will help to take out the itch,
Reply:You need a new Vet, sounds like your dog has allergies, There is a shot they can get maybe every few months or longer. Depo shot is the short term. and it's cheaper then the pills and less hassle.
Reply:My dog was the same!

When I adopted him he was so bad that his skin started to turn black and he stunk. He also had chronic ear infections.

He is a Wheaton Terrier.

My vet put him on Prednisone and Thro Tabs.

It is an imbalance in his system and it is connected to his thyroid.

He has been on prednisone and thro tabs for 3 years now!

If I take him off he will return to his same extremely uncomfortable state. He will be on it forever. I am fine with this because he has a normal life again, even though it will be shorter.

Good Luck
Reply:sounds like your dog has allergies. If the pills are not helping ask your vet for an injection or vetalog or depomedrol. Both of these injections can help with itching. You can also try some Benadryl at home 25mg 2 times a day
Reply:Fleas are a major pest. There are various species of fleas - cat fleas, dog fleas, rat fleas and rabbit fleas.

You can get rid of them by the safest and cheapest methods like boric acid.
Reply:give him a bath, and really scrub him


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