Friday, August 20, 2010

My dog is itchy!?

My pug has had a problem with sensitive skin for a few weeks now. We wash him about every 2 weeks and have even switched shampoo but it doesnt seem to help. He really seems to be itchy whenever we scratch him. and not just in one spot- everywhere. Is there any over-the-counter stuff that i can get? He doesnt have fleas or anything.

My dog is itchy!?
There are these people called veterinarians and they help sick and injured animals. Ask around. I'm sure SOMEBODY in your area has heard of this. One of those people would be PERFECT for this really tricky problem that could have many causes and needs to be dealt with by a professional, not assholes like me posting on the internet.
Reply:It might be a food allergy, you should call your vet for advice. Good luck!
Reply:It might be allergies. I would talk to a vet about it. I know there is a certain shot that they can give him to cure it temporarily. I don't know of anything over the counter, sorry.
Reply:Mabey you are washing him too frequently, which would cause him toy have dry skin, which would cause him to be itchy.
Reply:maybe he really does have fleas or he might be alergic to whatever you wash him with
Reply:I hope you are using a shampoo made for dogs....

Go to your vet and he can direct you to the proper shampoo for dogs with sensitive skin.
Reply:Don't wash the dog every two weeks. Try every six weeks.
Reply:He may also have developed allergies. You can give him some children's Benadryl (recommended by my vet).

Also for the immediate itching there is something called Hot Spot medicine that you can get at Walmart; you can get it in a liquid or a cream in the Pet Section.

Also a great thing to get from Walmart is Linoleic Acid; it has all the omega fatty acids the dog needs for their coat %26amp; cuts down a lot on the itchy; it is in the pet section in a brown bottle.
Reply:Check check and CHECK again for fleas - they are notoriously difficult to spot. Look under his belly, insides of his legs, and around the base of his tail. You're also bathing him too much, dogs shouldn't be bathed unless they REALLY need it. If he smells it could be not because he needs a bath, but his teeth could be dirty, his ears infected... anything! Could be that the bathing has irritated his skin. OR he could have a skin condition. If his skin is red, flaky or crusty, he needs to see a vet for a prescribed treatment.

Good Luck

Reply:That time of year. do not shampoo him. maybe try a spray on cleaner that you wipe off if he really needs to be bathed. I would also add corn/vegetable oil to his food.
Reply:My Lab also has similar skin issues. You might try an oatmeal (that's right) based shampoo if you are not using one already.

Buying vitamins from your vet that contain fish oils may also alleviate the itching.

I am not familair with pugs but I do know that Labs should not be bathed that regularly as it can damage their coat and skin but again, that is for Labs, not necessarily for pugs.

Lastly, it might be an allergy, particularly to food. If you have switched recently it could be the source of your dilemna.
Reply:My dog had this problem for a while. Our vet suggested using human dandruff shampoo on him. It helped my dog alot. If you try it, make sure to avoid the dog's eye's!
Reply:Hi I'm A Vet Tech. We have a lot of dogs come in to the clinic this time of year with the same problem. Here is what our vet says to use and it works wonders. OK try washing your dog in Dawn Dish Soap, let it soak for five minutes, then rinse. Also, give your dog Benadrill once a day. This is most likely an allergy. A lot of people don't think there dogs have allergies but, most dogs have them. I hope this helps you out. They keeping your dog in the house too.
Reply:sounds like you are washing him to often. He probably has dry skin. You should only need to wash your dog every 4-6 wks or so. he might also have an allergy so try changing to a more natural food. nutro lamb and rice helped my dog. WE also use a rasberry oatmeal shampoo
Reply:This might be a skin condition caused by the shampoo . Why not ask the opinion of a vet.? It shouldn't cost that much and if you love your dog perhaps you shouldn't scratch him and see if you can help him be more comfortable. An itchy condition is really about an irritation I think.
Reply:My puppy has the same problem. I called the vet and they told me to get childrens benadryl (the liquid kind, mine loved the cherry flavor.) That will help with the itching and chewing. It is only 1cc per 3 pounds of body weight. Hope that works for your dog. Also try not to bathe him as often that will dry out their skin and could cause itching too. If that dont help let your vet know and ask him about prescribing predisone. It works but they can only stay on it for a short period of time because it is a steriod. The benadryl they can take everyday. Hope that helps.
Reply:keep the carpet clean...and at least twice a week add a bit of black pepper to his diet. dry food no help...moist food mix it'll give him a healthy glossy coat and no skratching...and a humidifyer would work...shampoos mostly deal with REMOVING oils essential to theyre coats...if he starts losing hair before u try the pepper route it could be mange...again keep pepper in his diet from now on....pepper we found out was a good cure for the mange...
Reply:He could be allergic to his shampoo, food, or a number of other things. I no when I got my dog, granted she is not a pug she is a greyhound, she had dermatitis and had to get a special shampoo from the vet. I suggest you go to the vet and not over the counter. The problem could be getting worse.
Reply:Itching can often be rectified by improving the dog's diet and adding omega fatty acids to the diet.

One of the most common severe itching problems for dogs is mange. Mange is nothing but microscopic mites. A dog will experience intense itching once it is suffering from severe infection of Demodex, Sarcoptes etc.

Outbreaks often occur around the ears, elbows and face. The skin starts out crusty and scab-like and becomes thick and dark.

A skin scraping is needed by your vet to confirm diagnosis.

Proper medication and treatment should also be prescribed by your vet.

There are some other severe itching problems such as fungal infections. They are less common, but also require a vet's attention.

Allergic itching

A dog which is on a diet designed to eliminate food allergy problems who is still itching probably does not have food allergies.


1. Itching can often be rectified by improving the dog's diet and adding omega fatty acids to the diet. Healthy Coat Omega-3 Gel Caps or VitaCaps® will help a lot to counteract allergies among dogs.

2.Soothing products such as Soothing Pads and Soothing Mist will help ease itching and inflammation.

3. Shampooing relieves the itch temporarily as well as helping to remove scales, scabs, some parasites, bacteria, and other potential causes of the itching.

4.Washing or rinsing the legs and paws each time the dog comes inside during the allergy season may help keep the pet more comfortable.

Your vet is an excellent resource if you believe your pet has allergies.
Reply:Why are you bathing your dog every two weeks. He is probably itchy because you are drying his skin with too much washing!

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