Friday, August 20, 2010

Dog scratching and making herself bleed?

My dog has what looked like a tic bite on her face (so i've been told). it looked like a spot under her skin and had swollen up.we have made an appointement at the vet but she wont be seen until the end of the week. the problem i have is that its still swollen but its bleeding where she keeps scratching it. I dont know how to stop her from scratching it, if i see her scratching i tell her no but obviously i cant stay awake all night making sure she dont!

is there anything that i can put on it to make it easier for her and not so itchy...i dont want to put anything on there that may cause her discomfort as its an open wound.

also does anyone have any ideas on what the 'spot' could be? i dont know what a tic bite looks like as she has never had one before.

Dog scratching and making herself bleed?
Ticks don't "Bite", they inbed themselves into the dogs skin. Are you sure the "Bump" isn't the end of the tick sticking out?

You can get an Elizabethan Collar (E-Collar, Cone, Lampshade) to put on her until you get her to the vet.
Reply:if you live anywhere by a big pet store, see if they have those cone things you can put around the neck, so she can't get at the bite.

also you might want to try some anti-itch cream.

my dog's never had a tick bite either, so i can't help you on that one.
Reply:Get her an e-collar from the local pet store (Petsmart or Petco). They look like big cones.
Reply:as for now put some tissue round the paw and cover with a sock that will stop alot of the hard scratching, try and find a different vet surgery that can act quicker. ow and if it is a tic dont try to pull it out yourself as there is a correct way to pull them out, sometimes the head breaks of and that will lead to a greater infection..... Gluck

FRONTLINE SPOT_ON should be used to repeal any other tic`s and flee`s
Reply:Cover the tic with vaseline this will suffocate it and then it will drop off.

Alernatively you can remove them by pinching and twisting out but you do need to ensure you pinch under the skin to make sure the legs are removed.
Reply:Can't you get an earlier appointment with the vet? My brother's dog had this problems and was bleeding everywhere and the vet saw him next day. It doesn't sound like a tic to me, I think the vet needs to diagnose. The others are right regarding the cone things around the neck, they are the only things to stop scratching.

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