My dog is approx. 4 months old. We have already had vet visits b/c of a demodectic mange problem, but we got that all cleared up. Now her right paw is horribly swollen. It's just the skin on the bottom of her foot though, not the top of her foot or her leg. The vet is closed for the weekend and there is absolutely no way I can afford to take her to emergency vet...will be tough to afford a regular vet visit, too. There's no sign of a tick or any visible entry point of anything. We deadened it and tried to lance it, but nothing came out but a tiny bit of pus and a lot of blood. (Don't worry - she didn't feel it). She doesn't put any pressure on it. She doesn't have a fever and she's as lively as ever. Any idea of what this is? I'm asking if anyone has had experience with this prob that will be useful to me, so if you're just going to tell me what a horrible person I am for not taking her to the vet already you're wasting your time.
Swollen/infected paw problem?
I'm not telling you what a horrible person you are, just that if you don't stop the infection now it will spread. There is a veternarian office at your local petsmart that will be able to give you antibiotics for your problem for fairly cheap. Usually they give you your first visit free. You could go to them today, and then go to your vet on Monday if you feel they weren't thorough enough. If this isn't treated right away it could turn into some very expensive vet bills. Waiting will only make it worse.
Reply:Oh my....I hate to hear of animals being in pain....I do know how expensive emergency services can be....I think you've done all that you can do at this point....I have dogs and I've never experienced anything like this....I'm sorry I can't be of any help....
But I would say just give the dog lots of affection ( hugs and kisses) and apply an ice pack....If it's swollen....or maybe (use at your own discretion) when we had our dogs ears clipped the vet. gave us Lanicane - it numbs the area for a for sores, cuts, etc.....
Good luck and give that dog a kiss and hug for me......
The lanicane can be purchased at any drug store over the counter
Reply:Pack the would with antibiotic salve and bandage. If it isn't looking better by tomorrow, you should see a vet.
We see it all in rescue.
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