Friday, August 20, 2010

Why does my dog obsses about licking me?

Ok so my dog licks me thats common right.. But get this she licks me and if she cant shy trys and digs through my shirt or blanket or whatever trying to fing some peice of skin to lick. She also breathes really heavily like shes addicted. We just got her a few months ago and she was adopted. She is a 4yr old pug. Can someone please tell me why/ how I can stop her from this problem.

PS- other than this she is a very sweet dog and rarely barks.

Why does my dog obsses about licking me?
My pug licks me a lot too. Because of there smushed in little faces, their sense of smell is diminshed compared to other breeds. So, like snakes, they smell by taste. There is probably something on you that she can kind-of smell and what's to check it out further by tasting it. It probably drives her nuts until she figures out what it is. Also, my pug LOVES to lick lotion off of me. ??? Who knows... that;s why they are so wonderful!
Reply:My dogs do that too.They may need salt. Or they are looking for your attention
Reply:well maybe her old owners were really mean to her and now she has a nice owner and she wants to respect you or she thinks you taste good
Reply:I've been told it's the salt that comes out in your sweat; they like the taste, but I just had a trainer tell me it's to get your attention too. My female boxer can't go 10 minutes without trying to lick my face or hands or arms...

Also Pugs are know for having breathing trouble, the heavy breathing is just her getting all worked up.
Reply:1 of my pitbulls does the same exact thing. He cleans my face and if I don't tell him 2 stop my face gets raw. I heard that when wolf puppies want food they would lick at their mother's mouth to throw up the food. So it might be just instinct and also an "insecurity" thing. I asked the vet I work for and he said both of those are possible reasons. She just loves u alot and there isn't really anything to do about it.
Reply:she might be in heat but u said u got her a few months ago or she just loves u so much if u take care of her mostley and u can take her to a doggie sycitrist or spesilist
Reply:maybe she's thirsty? whenever my yorkie is thirsty he starts licking my arms and stops after i give him some water. also, i'm sure she wants your attention too.
Reply:I have a pit bull that does it all the time too. If I pay attention to the other dogs he climbs over them and licks me. Once i pet him and give him hugs he stops. I believe it's his way of showing his love. I call them kisses. I have been working with him to teach him to stop when I say so otherwise he licks my skin raw. Try holding your dog and give him hugs and i bet he will stop licking. Good luck.

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