I have an 8 month old 115 pound great dane named Buzz light year (we just call him Buzz). Anyway when we got him he was 4 months old and had an obvious hernia that had gone untreated. I took him to the vet the next day and he had surgery w/ in a week. He recovered fine but then a month ago he had some legions on his skin and irritation at the eye. The dr gave me some steriod pills and cream and he got better But now the weirdest thing just happened - He was sleeping here and he just let out this weird loud noise - i thought he had a bad dream so i woke him up and petted him and then i look down and he's gone pee pee and didn't seem to notice or care - (he's fully potty trained) then i noticed that his breathing was kind of heavy and his chest was moving up and down kinda fast. Was this just a bad dream or is Buzz having more medical problems? I really love this dog and appreciate any advice you guys have. Thanks
Is something wrong with my dog? please read these symptoms?
Get him to a vet, pronto.
Reply:He was probably having a dream, if it happens again call your vet . I have a dog that does this, she cries in her sleep, but she has never wet herself.
Reply:Those symptoms sound like there might be something going on... if I were you I'd take him to the vet. Better safe than sorry
Reply:O.k. He may have had a bad dream that realy scared him. He probaly fell off a cliff or something high and he may be scared of heights. But just to be safe bring him to the vet.
Reply:If he lost control of his bladder during this episode he may have had a seizure. I would consult your vet and begin a journal to track any more type of behavior like this and how long it lasts and what happens. If this continues your vet may put him on an anti-seizure medication
Reply:Get him to the vet a.s.a.p. He may have a turned stomach, which can be fatal, or simply have a cold.
Reply:He could be having a reaction to the meds. Your best bet is to call the vet. Take him to the emergency animal hospital nearest you. Pet him for me and I hope he gets better!
Reply:video tape it (or DV it with a digital camera) and show it to the vet
Reply:We had a Great Dane too, and if he's a puppy he can still have accidents when he sleeps, just like a kid. as for the funny/heavy breathing ours did the same thing, i think all dogs do it, it's just more noticeable in the bigger dogs...the lesions, have them tested for red mange maybe, just to be sure, it starts on the face and around the eyes. good luck
Reply:take hime to the vet if symptoms persist
my dog snores sort of but sometimes he shakes and makes really loud noises when hes sleeping and we wake him up 2 make sure he's ok
nothing changes just he does that but you always have 2 be careful.
Reply:It sounds like your dog may have had a seizure
Reply:I agree with Babyrooster. A big puppy without a good appetite and with a medical history like Buzz's needs medical attention ASAP. Good luck!
Reply:Poor thing.....(both of you).......
Most likely He had a bad dream..........he IS still a pup........but the not eating is something to wonder about.......
I would watch Him pretty closely.............and hopefully, tomorrow, He's gonna be ok.
If not, I'd at least, call the vet and describe what you just wrote
and /or any additional odd acts.......
Hope He's ok!!! I LOVE MY DOG too.........
Reply:treat your loved ones the same...a child would be brought to a doctor right?..so bring in your dog and have him checked out
Reply:Has he been licking his penis a lot lately? Dogs will do that if there is an infection. Whimpering or fast breathing can be a sign of being in pain and if that was associated with urination he may have crystals in his urine or a urinary tract infection.
Keep an eye on him and see if he does it again or if he licks himself a lot. If he does, give the vet and ring and describe the symptoms to see if he needs an examination.
I hope Buzz feels better really soon! :)
Reply:Yes it sounds to me that it was a bad dream, the dream scaird him enough that he went pee pee.
If he dose it again I would think he could have a bladder infection but don't worry it dosen't sound sereouse.
Reply:Some dogs have epilepsy and have seizures. This could be the case. He also could have eat something in the house that is poison. (Household cleaners and nearly all houseplants can kill animals.)
He could have just been sound asleep and had a dream. I have seen some dogs cry and whine in their sleep while dreaming.
See how he does when he is up and around. If he is extra groogy, it could be a sign of a seizure. You will want to see a vet in the morning.
If you can't bring him around fairly quickly, you will want to seek emergency care.
Good luck!
Reply:You should take him to the vet, you never know if it is serious or not and i think you should probably take it seriously just in case!
Reply:i myself am an animal lover, so get your doggy to a vet asap.
i have to dogs german sheperds
Reply:All of the answers about seizures sound quite possible. If he didn't eat well, pay attention to whether or not he is burping or having gas... you might give him some Maalox for his stomach. If he continues to be agitated (panting,inability to get comfortable) take him to the vet he could be "bloating", it is common in Danes, but not usually puppies, but with the other problems he has had I would think better safe than sorry.
Good Luck!
Reply:sounds like a seizure. take him to the vet.
Reply:With his medical history the best thing to do would probably be to take him to your vet.
Reply:before rushing to the vet , take his tempreture, normal should not be over 102. if he has a UTI or other infection he will have a temp. just watch him close over night and see how he is tomorrow. make sure he drinks water. if bloating he wont drink or eat at all. his head will hang low and he will drool .b/c nothing can pass if the stomach has twisted. this is an emergency tonight. god speed. doesent sound like bloat to me. they wont lay or sleep or eat or drink if they are bloating.
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