Friday, August 20, 2010

What can I do about my dog who bites?

I have a yorkie mix who is 6 yrs old. He is completely housetrained, loves to play ball, and loves to cuddle.Problem is, he hates little kids. Well, actually he hates my husband too. He seems very protective of me and doesnt like anyone near me. He bit my child tonight and my husband said he must go (he didn't break the skin). Of course, I am going to choose my child over the dog, but is there anything I can do before I give him up. I feel like he is my baby and it will break my heart to give him up (but i will do it if I have to). Please help me!

What can I do about my dog who bites?
Have the dog's needs handled by the kids and hubby. The dog has claimed you as his own, and will do whatever is necessary to keep you to himself.

Have the kids and husband feed the dog, pet the dog, play with the dog, do everything with the dog, and you totally ignore the dog. The dog will learn that everyone in the house is his, and anyone can come near you. You need to break the dog of his over-protective nature, or it can and probably will get worse.
Reply:well maybe another training session will do him good...

never hurts to try and i wouldnt want to give up my baby (a yorkie) either
Reply:My dog use to be the same way!

Do not spend hundreds of dollars on dog trainners. you should hold your dog and let your six year old stand in a little fars way from your dog and if he doesnt react let her come closer and closer till she can touch him.

As for your husband you should let him play around with him with his fist folded and he might get scratched a little but the dog will know that he just wants to play.

At least it worked for my family.
Reply:Contact a dog trainer qualified in handling aggression in toy breeds (NO pinching, collar jerking, kicking, hanging, etc.) to help you. They can give you a realistic assessment of whether your dog is a threat to the baby, and help you work with him so you can keep him.

Try and
Reply:Has someone spoiled the dog just a tiny bit??? Is that someone YOU??? You should have been able to see this problem coming. I bet it was cute when he was four months old, and tried to "protect" you from your hubby. Now that very same behavior is not so cute.

Good news, you don't have to get rid of the dog if you are willing to REHABILITATE the little devil. This is a very serious problem and it needs to be solved with some serious training. You need to get real with this dog before it is too late.

There is a book that can get you there: The Koehler Method of Dog Training by William R. Koehler. You can check out their web site:

They may be able to refer you to a Koehler trainer in your area. All obedience classes are not created equal; so you really need one that can solve your problem. Where many trainers fail and bail; Koehler gets the job done.

You CAN fix this, but you must take it seriously. No copping out with; "I can't do that to my little doggie". Ask yourself one question: Would it be better to TRAIN my dog, give him away, or heaven forbid, put him to sleep??? I think your dog would agree, he would choose training over LEAVING! Get going and good luck.
Reply:I also have a dog with a biting problem. Try to figure out why he bites. For instance my dog does not like it when someone tugs a blanket while he is lying on. He is also protctive of his food, so it is important that we do not go near him when he has food near him. Also, the dog might have a sore spot. Whatever you do, do not give him up until you understand why he is biting.
Reply:i HAD a similar problem with my pit. not the biting but the not wanting anyone near me... except she didnt want me and my fiance sitting together. me playing with the baby and would force herself between me and who ever i was near. I finally broke her by "rejecting" her. I started ignoring her forceful behavior. tied her just out of reach of me and the baby when we played so she would have to watch.. and she whined i did this for a few days refused to let her sit on the furniture with me and my fiance together or seperate. went through her horrible jealousy (she would pee in our bedroom floor in front of the TV any time we wouldnt let her be the center of attention) It takes hard love with an animal. so many ppl want to treat their "baby" like a real human baby instead of being reminded that they are infact an animal. and it causes problems like we have. he does not see you as his pack leader as much as he sees you as her "runt" pin mate that hes decided to take care of. I hate to be to personal in your home life. But dogs will also know when their owner is being taken advantage of in the home. if this is the case be grateful hes trying to stop it... instead of walking all over you too. but yes you defiantly need to inforce some tough love with the dog and let him know hes not "your baby" he is the family companion.. he will come around

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