I have an australian shepard dog he is so pretty but he has a problem with biting his legs and backside... the hair is thinning out and i have tried everything but the vet... No he doesnt have fleas but his skin is very dry and im sure thats the reason he is doing it??I have tried the oatmeal shampoo the hair and skin supplement .. ..
How do i get my dog to stop biting his hair off???
You do need to visit a vet. Some things to ask about are: His diet. He may have a food allergy so ask your vet if they can reccommend another food for him. Also make sure he is getting enough fatty acids, because these are necessary for a good coat. Have him checked for infections and diseases as well, maybe get the opinion of a second vet.
see this page http://www.thepetcenter.com/gen/itch.htm... for a thorough explanation of the various causes of this behaviour. Your vet can help you determine which it is, and what to do about it.
Reply:I had the same problem with my dog. The vet says he is allergic to his own hair. Get your dog on some pills called prednisone(spelling) also, you give give your dog some bendryll for the itching. My dog takes both meds and thinks its a snack.
Reply:I have an australian cattle dog and he does that too sometimes. i don't think its harmful other than it looking bad. Try distracting him with a toy or something. you could also try getting medicine from your vet.
Reply:It could be a food (or other type) of allergy. I would go to the vet, to rule out anything physical.
Reply:go to the vet and get medication and a weird plastic collar it works
Reply:well since u have tried everything, now it is time to do the vet and get it fixed properly.
Reply:If you used everything but the vet, maybe its time to try the vet
Reply:Since you say your dog has trouble with dry skin, in addition to the vet you might want to try adding oils to his diet.
Good luck!
Reply:It's time to see the vet. If you needed to go to a Dr. would you wait? Take care of the poor dog.
Reply:Have him tested for demadectic mange. Involves a skin scraping at the vet's. You really need to check for that as it can become so bad that it can devestate his immune system. If his eyebrows and face are not affected as well, then he probably does not have mange.
Put him on a quality food. I can not stress this enough. I have had many dogs through many years, and some had terrible allergies. Biting themselves, bleeding, hair loss, you name it.
When I did a study on pet foods I found out some things that would make you wonder if the pet food industry has a conscious. I then looked into the matter further and found that there are some companies that care what is in our dogs foods. Since I switched my dogs to quality food, the allergy problems are so minimal that they no longer need vet treatment, or treatment from me. It took about three to six months to see major improvement, but along the way there were definitely signs of improvement in not only their skin and coat, but behavior as well. My dogs don't spend near as much time at the vet's, saving me time and money.
Foods that are really best for your dog: Wellness, Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers Soul, Solid Gold, Dr's Foster %26amp; Smith, Innova, and so many more. You can find them in your area by looking in the yellow pages under Pet Food/Supplies and see who advertises selling holistic pet foods. They will carry the quality foods your dog needs.
Until then, add Safflower Oil to your pets food, about two tablespoons per feeding.
Aussie's are great dogs. Give the good food a chance and your aussie will be feeling better soon.
Reply:Sounds like he might have allergies. Try changing his food. Also try bitter yuck or bitter apple. it is a spray that is safe to put on them and ok for them to lick. they don't like the taste and should stop biting that area. However, it sounds like he may need steroids. Youmight also try fish oil caplets.
Reply:Read your dog food label. What is the level of fat in it? Fat is important for healthy skin and coat. My dog food is 23% fat. You might want to change to a food with a higher fat level.
Reply:put a big funnel thing on their head
snake plant
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