Friday, August 20, 2010

What is wrong with this dog?

We found a dog on the street who looks very old and ill, but she is very smart. She can sit, shake, bark, etc. and she will not leave our yard no matter what we do.

Here's the problem. She has hair missing in some areas and has been biting her hair out. She has cavaties in a lot of her front teeth and one of her canines is loose so it's hard for her to eat. She throws up a lot and she lets off an extremely foul, fishy odor that you can smell throughout the house.

Even after bathing her, the smell does not subside and it's worse around her breath. Not only that but she has dry, scaly skin, and it looks like she's grown a few extra nipples. Her skin is very dark colored (grayish) and she also has what appears to be puss pockets on certain areas of her skin. Her ears have also appeared to shrivel up and they are very hard.

Shes a black lab, but she is barely recognizable as one, however. We have all become attached to the dog, but we would like to know what this could be.

What is wrong with this dog?
First things first, bring her to a vet. She sounds like she has a nutritional deficiency and possibly an underlying medical problem, but I won't advise anything.

As an online "forum", we can't give a diagnosis. Not only is it ethically and medically immoral but it's completely dangerous as well. However, I can tell you one thing. Infected and rotting teeth can lead to a plethora of health problems. From what you've told us, it sounds like her teeth are in the later stages of periodontal disease. This requires intensive treatment and professional anesthetic cleaning with possible teeth extractions. If you don't plan to get anything else done, please schedule a teeth cleaning with your local vet. You can potentially save her life (again =]).
Reply:If you are committed to helping this dog, a trip to the vet is in order. The dog has suffered extreme neglect and probably has multiple health problems going on and is clearly miserable. The vet can help you assess if these problems are treatable and what to do next.
Reply:She has some MAJOR problems and only a vet is going to be able to help her. Please take her to one asap. Good Luck
Reply:This poor dog has a lot of problems. The sink near her mouth is probably teeth that are abscessed and need to either be pulled or cleaned. The scooting is probably worms. The hair is probably Mange or serious allergies. If you intend on keep her than a trip to your vet is certainly in order for her.

She need serious medical attention very soon.. Poor old gal! I'm very happy she has you now.
Reply:Obviously, she needs a vet. The skin and smell could be caused by mange, which requires medication. Rotten teeth can cause kidney and liver disease, so they'll have to be treated and possibly removed. Butt dragging can be a sign of worms or impacted anal glands, both of which are fairly easy to remedy. Ear rubbing is a sign of ear infection or mites, again, easily remedied, but only with vet care.

If you're truly attached to this dog, you're going to have to be prepared to spend several hundred dollars getting her fixed up by a vet. If you can't, it may be best to put her to sleep. She can't be happy or comfortable with all those problems, and it's not fair to keep her alive without treating her problems.

Good luck to you guys.
Reply:Not sure but she might have mange is cuz the, the butt thing might be and most likely is from worms and stuff. Or she could be a female Chupacabra. Either way take her to vet. She needs serious help NOW.
Reply:It might have ticks. I am a vet...andi know that these things can actually kill a dog. She is probably very old and near her death. You should go to PETSMART and buy the doggy breath'll be surprised to see how much it actually helps. I beleive you should take her to a vet IMEDIATLY%26gt;...this is a matter of life or death....if she is vomiting a lot, you may be in serios trouble. My dog (susie) died a couple years ago due to the fact that she threw up a lot, her belly was all pink and stretchy, her teeth were decaying, etc. I wish i caould have operated on her now that i see how ignorant i was about the situation. Even though i never meant it. Take my advice...go see a vet as soon as you could save your dog.
Reply:Her scooting across the floor is cause by anal glands they are sacks inside that occassionally need to be released with the scooting thats what she is tryin to do.A vet can do this for you if u decide to keep her.. Her bad breath is she needs to have a dental done it should help her breath and help prevent other diseases.The missing hair can be a skin disease known as mange which depending on what type it is can be treated,also it could be whats called hot spots which are caused by fleas which is also treatable.

I advise you to take her to a vet
Reply:take the dog to the animal hospital and tell them what u just write, maybe she have a serious infection or something. I think that will be the best...
Reply:I would recommend taking her to the vet. The bad smell from around her mouth is probably roughing teeth that need to be worked on. For her itchy flaky skin, have you thought about using Head in Shoulders? I know its for humans but it might help her out a lot. But for the missing hair and biting the hair out, and the shriveled up ears it sounds like only a vet would know what that was from.

Hope I helped you a little bit.
Reply:It sounds like a trip to the vet is in order. The teeth probably need to be cleaned (that's probably the major source of odor). The hair loss could be caused by many different things. Scooting is a sign that her anal glands need to be expressed. She may have worms but scooting is not usually a sign of that.
Reply:Food alergies are very common in dogs, many are allergic to wheat.You might want to go to a speciality store that has a variety of foods for dogs with addition to a vet visit, of course.

You might want to keep her away from water, or getting wet we have a black lab and sometimes thier skin gets irritated from the water.


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