Monday, August 23, 2010

My Dog Has Diabetes....How come his gums are turning black?

My Dog is sick I know that...I am trying to make the best out of the time he has left....He is always so happy he doe's more tricks than any other dog we have ever had....Not cuz we tell him to... He just doe's it cuz he feels good doing it...He has free rain of our house...He has no potty problems...But he is loosing his eyesite...I am gonna strangle my brother cuz he thinks it is funny to change the furnature around which my brother thinks is funny when "Dino" bumps into them...He actually looks forward to getting a Insulation shot....If we miss a shot at 6am or 6pm..He comes looking for one of us to administer it..A friend asked me how we do it? I told him to make a big deal about it...Dino Want a shot...Want A shot..Then Have him sit then grab the loose skin in front of his hind leg...grab it..Pinch it alittle...Then shoot the needle like a Gun..Super quick...He won't even feel it..Next get a hot dog and make him chase it...He will look forward to it..Why are his gums turning Black

My Dog Has Diabetes....How come his gums are turning black?
Poor blood circulation because of the diabetes.

It attacks the extremities first, head, leg/paws, along with the kidneys, and other vital organs.

Your brother needs to stop taking quality of what life he has left away. It's not funny.
Reply:my cats r 2, he is probaly just losing a toth or something like that, ask a vet
Reply:You need to call your vet about this. You also need to learn more about this disease. It's Insulin, not Insulation. You can't "miss a shot" - your dog could die from it. Missed shots could be why your dog is losing (not loosing) his eyesight.

Your brother needs to be controlled and needs to see a psychiatrist. If he thinks that tormenting animals is fun, he is on his way to becoming a serial killer or some sadistic pig. If you are a child and he is too, speak with your parents about your brother and get him to stop. Have them speak with the vet about the effects your brother is having on your dog. He's a moron.

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