Monday, August 23, 2010

Why do some ppl think there are Non-sheding dogs?

ALL dogs shed. at least SOME hair. even ppl shed their hair. if they didn't new hair follicles could not grow! dogs and ppl shed hair and skin! otherwise we would be a bunch of matted headed crocodile skinned monsters.

so WHY do ppl "claim" no shed or hypo-allergenic dogs...when in reality that is NOT true. it's just that some dogs are LOW shedders like a poodle, and others are BIG shedders like a Lab.

doesn't anyone ask a vet this? ive had 2 friends that are VERY allergic to dogs get dogs that are "claimed" to be hypo-allergenic and in the end the poor dogs ended up w/me at the SPCA because of ignorance. and it's the dander not the hair that ppl have problems with. every dog sheds old skin cells (dander) WHY is it still okay to say, hypo-allergenic or NO dander/Shed dogs?

Why do some ppl think there are Non-sheding dogs?
lol This pisses me off all the time. I show Labradors so it's part of my many goals in life to keep my breed free of all the crap that goes on in this wretched world. Anyway the Labradoodles that all these puppy mills and byb's call a non shedding breed don't bother to tell you that not all of the puppies shed less. Some get the Labs side of the hair and shed LONG hair all the time! It just enrages me people screwing with my breed like that. OK OK sorry!! It's a hot button subject but any Lab breeder or person alongside a conformation ring will say the same thing.

Edit: You sound like an intelligent individual so I'm sure I don't have to add that I agree with you. It's just for "the others"!! :-)

Edit: 1.0 There are breeds (such as Chis and Poodles) that people who tend to be allergic to dogs aren't as prone to be allergic with.

Edit: 2.0 You obviously can't trust a vet on this either lol. Humm, bred/shown dogs for 20+ years or got a degree and learned............nothing!! Vets are a bad subject for me I should have resisted the temptation to get started on this!
Reply:perhaps you "sprout" follicles, but the rest of us don't! They are part of the skin and and you can't "loose" them, most of us lose them....listen moron, wtf school did you go to? most of us try to answer your stupid ????'s, be appreciative! Report It

Reply:Wishful thinking.
Reply:THANK YOU...I couldn't have explained it any better.

Why don't we just say we're allergic to those kind of fools?
Reply:Have you ever heard of those phrases used often but are not necessarily true? Duh all dogs and animals, including us shed; but when a person asks for a non-shedding dog they want a dog who doesn't make an apparent difference in the house in terms of hair, dandruff, and dust. These people usually don't have the time to vacuum every spot the dog has been 500 times a day. They are also people who like to have a clean house.
Reply:True but that's digging too deep. I have a Yorkie and she does not "Shed." Sure she may lose little hair but it doesn't fall to floors, carpets, and furniture. I brush her every day and a very very small amount comes out in the brush. I never sweep dog hair off my floor, i have no carpets, all ceramic tile so i would See it. With proper grooming habits,Proper diets, Weekly baths, and no negligence, Shedding, and pet dander can be controlled!

As a Cosmetologist, follicles do stay in the head (Duh) and the hair grows out of it. Genius
Reply:Hi! Some people think there are totally non allergic, non shedding dogs because they see/hear about dogs that have VERY minimal shedding/allergy producing tendencies. My dog, for example, is a Bichon Poo. They are said to be "non shedding" and "hypo-allergenic." Of course, that's not true, but it may SEEM like it is. As for the allergies, some people find these dogs to not bother them as much. Others see little difference. The hair, however, is because these dogs have double coats. If you don't comb these dogs with the proper brush, the loose hairs that came out of their coat will NOT really shed, but will rather get caught in their own hair and cause it to get tangled and matted. They must be groomed about once a month, and must be combed 2-3 times a week. I call my dog a 90% non-shedding dog, although she sheds pretty regularly. You just don't see it, unless you comb her coat, and all those stray hairs come onto the brush.
Reply:my bichon doesnt shed. hair only comes out when i brush him.
Reply:because it's true.....yorkie's and maltese have hair instead of fur and it does not shed. my hair doesn't shed either, but it does fall out around the house when I shower or brush it. animal dander can be controlled with frequent bathing, but the smell may still be too much for a person with i think the follicles stay in your head and the hair grows out of them, not vice versa....
Reply:My friend breeds Xoloitzcuintli ..I don't think that they shed at all..I don't know about casting dander, but I do know her buyers are mostly people with dog allergies, and they do just fine with these dogs..She also breeds hairless rat terriers.. I had never heard of them before meeting hers..

I was just now reading about the hairless terriers, and reducing allergy attacks. It recommended bathing the dog weekly and washing its bedding weekly..So, I guess there is even some danger of triggering allergies with these hairless breeds.. However, the majority of allergic people do fine with them..

Interesting article%26gt;
Reply:Because some dogs shed profusely, in fact many do as well as shedding lots of dander. Some people who have allergies do well with dogs that shed very little or generally shed as a result of being brushed. I have owned a poodle (the "non-shedding" dog) and never had to vaccuum up hair. I have owned a German Shepherd, a pug and other dogs where hair was everywhere, in the air, on the furniture, rug etc. Frequent vaccuuming didn't seem to do much. It makes a difference. That is probably why people refer to them as "non-shedding". I can see how it bothers you based on what you wrote, but it is a fact that some people with allergies can have a dog with a very low shedding factor.

There is always a Chinese

But they probably shed more from their few tufts of hair on their largely hairless body than poodles do.
Reply:WELL,I'M A RETIRED VET!!!!!!!And to tell you the truth,YOU ARE WRONG!!THERE'S a big difference between shedding and NORMAL HAIR GROWTH that takes place when a hair is lost.there are dogs and catas both that DO NOT SHED of course this doesn't mean that they won't ever lose a hair to say DAMAGE,or normal growth cycle.SHEDDING IS THE REPLACEMENT OF ONE COAT WITH ANOTHER COAT.SO CRAWL OUT OF THE THROATS YOU JUMPED DOWN BUDDY THE FOOT BELONGS IN YOUR OWN MOUTH!YOU'RE JUST ANOTHER ONE ONE THEM PEOPLE TALKING LIKE AN EXPERT WHEN IN REALITY YOU'RE MERELY TALKING CRAP!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:number one: people are ignorant and don't understand basic biology. Heck, look what's being graduated out of some of our schools now and days :-(

second: peole who breed and sell these dogs are going for the sale. They are usually ignorant, too, but getting the money and getting that pup out the door is more important to them. Right now, with all the *doodles* being so popular, lots of folks have jumped on that particular bandwagon, and spouting all the popular doodle garbage.
Reply:I may or may not be able to answer this one, but first of all, I need to know what the hell "sheding" means!
Reply:Simply because you can buy hairless dogs, just like cats...

Becase people are MORONS in general %26amp; nearly TOTALLY IGNORANT about ALL/ANY animals!!!!And they'll GLADLY fall for ANYTHING some "boob-in-the-street" tells them cuz they WANT to *%26amp;* are too LAZY to bother w/any RESEARCH!

ALL DOGS SHED! There's absolutely ***NOTHING*** that you can put *IN* or *ON* ANY dog to stop shedding!


There's NO SUCH THING as "hypo-allergenic" dogs!
Reply:because ppl like to have hope

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