my friends dog has sores on his legs that look like warps under the skin , the dog bites at them until they break open and he was wondering if anyone could give him a home remedy that might fix the problem.
Any home remedies for dog with sores?
OK, at least two possibilities. Either the dog has lick sores, or little growths (possibly cancerous) that he breaks when he bites. My dog has had both. First of all, take it to the vet, and find out if they need to be removed. If they are cancerous, then get them removed, however, it is more likely that they are lick sores. Lick sores can be healed up. It is vital to get an e-collar, as just about any other collar a dog can get around. You can get these at the vet or at a pet store. You will need to keep the sores clean, so clean them twice a day with hydrogen peroxide on a cotton ball. If they are on a leg then you can make a bandage. Use a large non adhesive pad with antibiotic ointment on it, to cover the wound, then wrap it gently with gauze. To keep it in place, wrap duct tape around the gauze, only be VERY care full not to overlap the gauze, and catch the dog's hair in the tape. Don't get mad at me for suggesting duct tape. I know from experience that a dog that chews itself will be able to get almost any kind of bandage off, so the duct tape is necessary, but most be used with caution. As with all bandages, wrap firmly, but not too tight, and if the leg get at all swollen, remove the bandage. Although I have suggestions for lick sores, the dog needs to go to the vet first, so they can make sure it isn't something more something more serious. Good luck!
Edit-About bag balm, if the skin is dry or flaky, then bag balm might help (I tried it and it didn't do much for my dog but it can't hurt to try), but if the sores are wet, don't use it.
Reply:first i suggest a vet. second, i would suggest carefully shaving the hair off around the sores. if they bleed %26amp; become scabs that are continually bit @, then put neosporin on them %26amp; then wrap ann ace bandage around them until they completely heal .
Reply:Not sure about home remedies, you should take her to a vet to get them checked out, could be allergies or something else. Defintly go to the vet.
Reply:your dog could be allergic to fleas....
Reply:Obviously your friend doesn't want tou spend monies on a Vet so Old fashion remedies are go to a feed store get sulfar powder mix with vaseline. After shaving and cleaning are with pinetar soap. cover with vaselin/sulfar mix wrap with gauze and ace wrap leave three days repeat till heal.
Reply:I would say the first thing you do, is make an appointment with your vet, and find out what, is causing the sores. Only your vet can tell you for sure and treat it. You don't want those sores to get infected, and they can very easily. Until you can get him in, you might want to buy some "Bag Balm". It comes in a green square box, with red clovers and a bull on the lid. It works really well for scratches, cuts, rashes, dry paw pads, etc. Both humans and animals can use it, on just about any problem imaginable. I've tried it on my dogs, when they get scratches, cuts, rashes, and hot spots. I put it on, and the next day they are almost gone. It works great for me, and it's not expensive. You can buy it in almost any drug store, or pet store. It's also non toxic, so it won't hurt the dog. If you decide to try it, I hope it helps your dog, poor baby!
Reply:ur friend needs 2 take the poor dog 2 the vet
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