Thursday, July 22, 2010

Has anyone's dog gotten sick from going to a dog park?

My friends dogs got a staph infection on their skin from the same dog park I took my dogs to. Has anyones dog had this problem or any other medical problem from a dog park?

Has anyone's dog gotten sick from going to a dog park?
Gosh, impetigo sucks. I got that as a kid...but if you think about it, you can get ringworm or all kinds of things from visiting a dog park. I think if your up on our vaccinations, then it really won't be much of a problem. Skin infections are easily healed. I might go to another place if I knew some one who got sick from where you were going. But really, some things you just can't adviod. Just make sure you dog is up to date on it's rabies shots and other important things and you should be ok.
Reply:no never
Reply:No I havent.
Reply:no but it can happen, i have a staff infection!!! its called empitago
Reply:There are MANY viruses that your dog can pick up from going to a dog park! ANYTHING contagious can be transmitted...intestinal worms, PARVO...distemper. PLEASE make sure you vaccinate your dog before going to public places. A staph infection comes from a wound that is already there, and the immune system is too weak to fight it.
Reply:I've never taken my dog to a dog park, but I'm not surprised. What is the condition of the park? Do they clean up often? I work in an animal shelter (kinda like a dog park, minus the fun for the dogs :-/) and cleanliness is a MUST. Soo many diseases can be spread. We bleach the toys all the time, clean out every cage with disinfectant, bleach the floors, etc. Taking your dog to a dog park is risky. I'm not saying its bad, i'd take my dog if there were some by me, but you never know who has what. It's kinda scary, because diseases like distemper and parvo can easily be spread to another dog.. I'd say just wash your hands a lot, and keep an eye on your dog. Maybe bathing her afterwords if it's not too much work. good luck
Reply:Theres a lot of things that can be passed from animals to people. Make sure the dogs are vaccinated and try to stay away from the other dogs cause you don't know if they have been vaccinated. I know its hard cause youre in a dog park but you don't know what the other dogs may have. Diseases can be passed on to you and can be fatal!!!!


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