My white boxer pup is 5 months old and a couple days ago I noticed she is getting pinkish red spots on her skin on her belly. Then, yesterday I noticed it is kinda spreading to the other thin haired parts of her body. I have also noticed that she is not scratching this. It doesnt seem to be bothering her but I am definitely concerned. Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. If vet visit is recommended, I have no problem with that. Thank you all.
Red spots on dogs skin?
white boxers are just the cutest. some friends have one called murphy.
please get him checked out. better safe..... good luck.its probably just a rash.
Reply:It sounds like hives you can clear it up with Benadryl. I have a boxer and when he was a pup he got the same thing. Go to They can answer lots of questions.
Reply:It sounds like a skin allergy and she is going to need a bath. If she doesn't seem to get better than I would take her to the vet she may need some antibiotics and special allergy shampoo. One of my dogs has very sensitive skin and I have to do the same. Good Luck.
Reply:Is she losing hair in those spots? Is there a chance she has fleas? If you are unsure of wether or nto she has fleas, check for black 'dirt' looking stuff...that is flea dirt...their waste and such. If she has this, get her on some good medication from the vet...frontline or K9 Advantix is good. Are the spots raised like sores, or just dicoloration on her skin? You can try giving her some benedryl (the human kind...give only one pill) which will help if she is havign a reaction to something (boxers have a tendency to have allergies to ALOT of things). Have you given her a bath recently? The soap you used coudl be affecting her or drying her skin out as well. In this situation, I woudl just wait it out...and let her get over that, and obviously do not use that type of soap anymore. Are you changing her diet at all? This coudl also cause a reaction if the new food you are giving her isnt agreeing with her system. In this situation, I would get her off that food ASAP and feed her rice and plain boiled chicken to clear out her system before starting a new food.
You didnt mention where these spots were exactly, or what they look like, so I am throwing out options here...are you using a harness when you walk her? That coudl be rubbing and creating raw spots in her armpits and upper belly.
She could also be scratching/chewing on these spots and you just arent seeing it. So it really could be a number of things.
In most situations, a rash on her skin will go away (if it is just an irritation), and no vet visit is needed. I woudl wait a few days, and if it is not lookign better or gone, then take her in to the vet. If she isnt bothering it, it probably isnt anythign to worry about, and waiting it out a bit wont hurt any, However, if she is acting weird (not playing alot, not eating good, not using the bathromm like normal...then make an appt to take her in sooner than later. More than likely it is nothign to worry about I would reccommend waiting a few days to see if it clears up on its own.
Good luck.
Reply:White boxer have the "leathal white gene" just means that they have serious health problems. Get with a holistic vet to help prevent the problems and work on the ones at hand.
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