Thursday, July 22, 2010

Can I give my dog children's benedryl?

My 5 year old dog has extremely sensitive skin. When he breaks out, he scratches so much he sometimes causes an infection. In the past my vet has given him a prescription which she said is similar to benedryl. It helps with the itch, and keeps him from scratching, therefore preventing infection.

Problem is, my dog and I are living away from home for the summer, and we won't be able to see a vet for another week or so. I'm afraid if I don't keep him from itching now, he's going to cause an infection by the time we see his vet. Can I give him children's benedryl?

Can I give my dog children's benedryl?
Yes. The usual dose is 1 mg. per pound of dog. The adult size benadryl or any of the generics usually have 25mg. in a capsule. I don't know how much is in a children's capsule. If your dog weighs 25 lbs., one adult capsule would be the right dose. If he weighs less than that, you would have to look and see how much a children's dose contains, and go from there.

I'm not a vet, but have been told this by vets.
Reply:Yes dogs can have benedryl for allergies. My vet reccomended it to us!!!Good lcuk!!
Reply:Yes, you can give him benedryl. I'm not sure how big your dog is, so I can't say how much though.
Reply:Children's liquid benedryl is safe to give to dogs. I give my 6 pound dog .3cc to .5cc daily during the late spring and summer months for her allergies.
Reply:While I always recommend calling your vet, I think you are safe giving your dog Benedryl. I have given it to my dogs many times. Even for flying to make them sleep. My vet recommends it to me a lot as my dogs have allergies. I don't give it to them regularly, but once and a while.

Oh yeah. I have two Chihuahua's. I give them one each. It knocks them out!!! I get a break for about for hours!!!! LOL. They will not take pills. I crush them up and I put them in gravy or whip cream and they will take it then. Nothing else has worked for me to get them to take it though.
Reply:yeah, children's benedryl will be fine for your dog. we have given it to our dog with no problem, %26amp; it takes care of his allergies!! (c:
Reply:You can call a vet over the telephone to get some help. Don't self-medicate your dog... or yourself. You never know what might react badly.

However, you can go to the pet store or to Petsmart, or to the drug store (ask a druggist) to get an over the counter medicine that is OK for dogs.
Reply:No. They said it was similar to benedryl. Not that is was benedryl. It could be harmful unless a certified vet says it is ok. It may not be safe. It could be a dog version of benedryl. It is like spraying perfume on a dog, it can cause problems.
Reply:Yes, you can. The standard dose is 1mg per pound of body weight. The pink tabs are 25mg.

I find that it is easier to give my dog the pill with peanut butter than to try and give him liquid. He hates the stuff and spits it up.
Reply:Here is a site that will give you the appropriate dosage until you are able to see your vet
Reply:Yes, up to 50mg twice a day.
Reply:NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THAT WILL KILL IT IT IS LIKE POISON. DO NOT GIVE IT THE MEDICEN GO TO A VET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Reply:Please, NO!

You have no idea of the dosage, in relation to the dog's weight. Although the medication may have been "similar", it may not be the same thing.

Maybe there's an OTC medication that you could put on your dog, as a temporary measure, to keep it from scratching so much, and then wait to see the vet for the Rx.

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