Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Pls help my dog!?

omg!! pls help! i went outside to go play with my dog (a girl beagle) and give her cold water. it is very hot outside. long story in why she stays outside- crate training, stupid parents, and loud dog. i was jst petting her and then i noticed under her fur, (she has short fur) there was blood. it was like a pimple only like.. a scab.

recently. we have switched shampoos-- from oatmeal flea shampoo to some nice smelling dog shampoo that doesnt help ward off fleas.

could my dog's problem be fleas? her flea collar hasnt been on for the past few days. also, im her skin is really flaky and dry. and she sheds ALOT.

as soon as i saw this, i got her brush thingy, its like a metal comb and a lot of hair and dry skin got out.

wat could be my dog's problem? is it just fleas? if so, what can i do? and if its not, wat is it? serious answers pls.

Pls help my dog!?
Brush her really good, then give her a nice cool refreshing bath. Be sure to look for fleas. After she is dry, be sure to use a good flea preventative like Revolution., Frontline, or Advantage. She could be infested with fleas or even a few fleas and have a flea allergy. She could be scratching soo much that she has made herself bleed. Make sure she has lots and lots of shade and water. You could get her a little wading pool to play in and stay cool. Make sure she has toys to play with to distract her so she wont scratch so much. If she acts sick or the problem does not go away it is time to get her to the vet!
Reply:take him too the vet
Reply:Take her to the vet. Don't rely on this forum.
Reply:im sorry buddy i would like to help you but i dont feel like reading all that stufff!
Reply:sounds like something has laid eggs in her skin...won't your parents allow her in during this weather?


why did you ask us?
Reply:How much blood? If its a small amount its most likely due to fleas nothing to panic about.

My pittbull has some blood spots on him and its because of flea bites and nate bites. And most likely thats all it is.
Reply:It could be allergies, it could be mange! Tell your parents she needs a VET! You can't guesstimate when it comes to your animal's health. And your parents really SUCK for keeping that dog outside. Sorry, kid, but they suck.
Reply:Sounds like fleas and/or allergies. My dog's skin was a mess when she had fleas and then again when she developed some allergies (some environmental allergies, but mostly food allergies). You should take her to the vet to make sure there aren't any serious problems and to find out what you can do to help her.

Good luck
Reply:Alot of dogs that have flea problems bleed if it gets too bad. I suggest Returning to the anti-flea shampoo and/or using the flea collar. These are very good at warding off fleas.
Reply:it could be a tick. check into the proper removal, I'm sure you can google it. flea collars don't work! get frontline plus, the greatest thing since sliced bread!!!
Reply:Does your dog scratch?

Uhhh...that would be the first thing I would look for.

And by the sounds of it, you don't sound competent enough to own a dog.

Maybe you should ask your mommy or daddy.

P.S. Learn how to spell and use grammar, please.
Reply:she could either have fleas or an allergy to the new shampoo, parents are not always right I know I am one. Try reaching a compromise with you parents about your dog, the scabs don't sound serious but if she starts feeling bad or doesn't act like herself she might need a visit to the vet but in the mean time give her a flea bath, regular dawn dish soap will kill fleas on animals and should not hurt her skin and you are going to have to put her flea collar back on her.
Reply:it could be that she scratched herself too hard....get her flea collar back on and find a shampoo that says "shine" somewhere on the label....or a doggy conditioner.... this should help her skin from not being so dry
Reply:It could be a combination of everything. (Heat, Fleas, Stress etc) If she does have fleas, she's scratching and that isn't helping the dry skin either. You might want to go back to the Oatmeal Flea Shampoo. It wouldn't be as harsh on her raw stomach as others would be.



Reply:Get rid of the flea collar, She's obviously sensitive to it, many breeds are. Buy a good medicated shampoo.

Make sure her diet provides the nutients for skin and coat, Omega-3 and -6 fatty acids. Go here:
Reply:It could be a tick bite or just a scratch. The problem is that ticks carry disease. Try putting a little antibiotic cream like Neosporin on the cut. To be safe, take her to the vet.

It sounds like your parents don't really want a pet. A dog should NEVER be left outside in hot weather. I know this is a hard thing to hear, but if you really love your dog, you might consider giving her to an animal adption agency in your area so that she can have a loving home. What your parents are doing is cruel and dangerous.
Reply:Ah hah ok first of all my dog had the same problem except it was on his front leg. I think its more than likely a hot spot are a bug bite if I was you I would just watch it closely and if it starts to look worse then try to give her a bath I recommend REGULAR DAWN DISH SOAP. I use to work in a pet store and I still swear by it today the stuff works miracles it even kills fleas
Reply:That scabby pimply thing sounds like a tick bite (nasty). You need to get you dog inside, especially if its hot. Dogs can't regulate their body temps as well as humans, because they don't have any sweat glands.

GET HER INSIDE before she has heat related complications. If your folks can't keep a dog inside, then they are not fit to have a dog as a pet...
Reply:it could be fleas or ticks. put her on a flea preventative frontline plus or k9 advantage
Reply:Go to a vet and get frontline, it cost a bit more than what you find at wal-mart but it is going to keep fleas off (unlike walmart stuff) and get some oatmeal shampoo for her, this willl help her dry skin, but you have to brush her regularly to keep the oil moving around specially in this hot weather. Feed her some eggs every once in awhile but not to often this will help keep her skin oily also . The pimple/ scab on her is most likely from fleas and her scratching, put Bag Balm on in for a week or two or till healed and fleas gone. You'll find this in a Green Can in most wal-marts (pet section) or just bout any drug store. Along with making sure she is well feed and watered with a shady spot for this hot time she should get along just find and be happy and fine in no time at all.

I have had my dog for 8 years and take care of most problems on my own, unless serious. But it is good to always consult a vet and be completely honest with them
Reply:i am sorry for u
Reply:That's SOOOO sad!
Reply:calm down the worst thing to do is is be paniced cause dogs sence it and relize something's rong. but if it's fleas then you can keep your' shampoo "the nice smelling1" and give ur dog a nice but not rough bath. put the flea color on and u can go to wal-mart or a pets mart/ feeders suplie and get the liquid u rub on the dogs back to get rid of fleas and prevent it keeps workin for 6 month or so. and i'de also call ur vet first thing in the morning ok.

hope ur dogs gets better. but beagles that live outside tend to have flacky skin. beagles also shed ALOT believe me.
Reply:Sounds lie it could be from a tick bite. She probably had a large female tick full of babies, they really suck the blood from the dog to feed the babies. Ot it could just be a minor injury. I would watch it to make sure it isn't anything serious, but it doesn't sound like it. Use frontline on the dog to kill the fleas and ticks.
Reply:for flea control - use Advantage or Frontline - flea collars do nothing but keep fleas away from the neck area.
Reply:its called a "hotspot" my dog had one too, its ok just make sure the dog cannot reach the spot anymore even if you have to buy a cone for its neck......then some simple polysporin will help or even a little peroxide poured on it....this happens a lot i guess my dog had it too and it was really scary to me but thats all it was its caused by excessive scratching due to stress of the anima...try to figure out what is stressing it and trust me it won't happen again
Reply:Put the flea collar back on, switch 2 the old shampoo, and take her 2 the vet.
Reply:Take it to the vet to be on the safe side. I use Dawn Dish soap to bath my dog. It doesn't dry out the skin like you would think. It also kills flea's on contact and it smells great and it's cheap and it lathers up good, etc, etc.... I volunteer at an animal rescue and the dogs get bathed every week before adopt a day from 6 week old puppies to adults and we always get comments on how soft their fur is and how good they smell.

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