Thursday, July 22, 2010

My dog has a neck rash - help?

I first noticed this skin problem three weeks ago, there was a dime-sized spot and some other smaller spots of the rash. There is hair loss all around the area (it's a place his collar usually rubs so I attributed the hair loss to the collar).

We left his collar off for the last three weeks and the rash went away after about two weeks. I left the collar off anyway just in case but the rash has come back. There is a dime-sized spot which was raised this morning, and has become bloody-looking this evening, and another small spot.

The spots look like they are bloody, not bleeding but like the blood is coming to the surface. They are raised. The hair has not grown back.

I am taking him to the vet tomorrow or Monday but would like some insight in the meantime. I am worried! Any idea what it could be? It does not seem painful to him to touch or squeeze or rub the rash.

My dog has a neck rash - help?
That almost sounds like ringworm (not sure of course though sight unseen). As long as you're getting him to the vet soon and he doesn't seem to be in pain in the meantime, it sounds like he'll be fine. Keep an eye on him to make sure it isn't bothering and to verify that all of his other behaviors are normal. Also, since you're not sure what exactly he has going on it may be best to handle the area as little as possible and wear gloves when doing so. Good luck!
Reply:My dog had the same problem, pretty much fitting your description to a tee. The vet said she thought he had an allergic reaction to something. He got a shot and some antibiotics that he was on for 2 weeks, and the spots went away.
Reply:Could be ringworm or some other skin parasite. Be sure your vet takes a skin scraping and checks it out under a microscope. Both drive the dog nuts so they must scratch it which can cause the redness/bloody look which will turn into a secondary infection if treated properly. With skin disease, such as ringworm or mange, these can be passed to humans (zoonotics) so be sure to ask your vet about it.
Reply:take your dog in to see a vet
Reply:Woah dont mess with it! It's probably what they call a hot spot. It's nothing too big, but it is an infected rash. Don't let him scratch it anymore, and hair loss is normal. The vet will find out what the cause of it is and end it. They will probably give you ointment for it. He will be urged to scratch though and it will only make it worse. It's not too serious though, just get him to the vet and he'll be okay :)
Reply:My dog (Boston Terrier) had a skin issue, and I took her to the Vet. She prescribed some cream to rub on it. It was obviously an allergic reaction to something she had been into. It took about 2 weeks for it to get completely well, but eventually her hair did grow back. Good luck!!!
Reply:Years ago, I had a Samoyd huskey tha developed a rash on her neck in the collar area. I took her to the vet, because she was gettin bald spots where the rash was as well. I was told that it was called moist-dermatitas. I got a cream for the rash, and had to keep her dry. She was an outdoor dog, and the rash developed from her fur getting wet and chafing from her collar. It took awhile to clear up, but eventually her hair grew back, and she was as good as new.

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